Welcome to the
Wisconsin Association
of Blood Banks
Fall Seminar 2024
Thank you for another successful year at our fall seminar!
We cannot wait to host another seminar in 2025! While we have picked Madison as our location, we would like to hear from you if there are any speakers or topics that you are interested in. Please follow the link in the button below to make a speaker suggestion!
For those who have a membership to WABB, lectures from the 2024 seminar are posted in the members-only content. Sign-in to access!
Welcome to the new website!
Membership sign-up is now open!
With the first year of the new website coming-up, we wanted to provide a reminder that the membership will auto-renew! This is a setting that you are able to turn off in your profile. If you have any questions or issues with this feature, please contact us!
Each year, WABB reaches out to speakers on relevant topics in the field, to bring new insight to the professionals of Wisconsin. If you have suggestions on content you would like to see at the fall Seminar, please fill out a contact form.
WABB aims to further education both in-person and virtually for dry workshops. Workshops will typically be announced in early Spring.
The entire WABB group works to not only provide the fall seminar and workshops, but also to create connections in the blood banking community. Visit the WABB Board of Directors and WABB Education Committee to learn more about each role. Contact WABB if you’re interested in joining!